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Preschool Level 3 (3 years to 5 years)By the end of this level, children will be swimming safely and totally independent. They will be able to float on their front and their back for 10 secs. They will also be introduced to special types of floating like tuck and jellyfish floating. Swimmers will also be treading water for 30 secs, and also learning how to change directions while swimming. To pass, swimmers must show the following skills without any assistance: Step from the side into chest deep water, push off the bottom, tread or float for 15 secs, swim on front or back for 5 body lengths and then exit the pool. Then, back float for 15 secs, roll to the front, recover to vertical position, then push off and swim using combined arms and legs for 5 body lengths, roll to back, float for 15 secs, roll to front and then continue swimming for another 5 body lengths.
Preschool Level 1 (3 years to 5 years)In this course children will be working towards safely traveling 5 yards, submerging and blowing bubbles, front gliding and with help rolling on to their backs. Introduction to independence in front and back floating working, towards 3 to 5 seconds of floating on their own. Age and skill appropriate games will be incorporated throughout each lesson as well as safety topics will be taught.
Adult Workout GroupPrerequisite: Pass an Adult Learn to Swim swim test and/or execute the following on first class: jumping/stepping in, treading or back floating for 1 min, swimming on front 25 yards with face in and exiting the pool. Is it your goal to swim laps comfortably and confidently at your local fitness facility? Be prepared for a masters swim team? Or just reap the health benefits of lap swimming? In this 6 week course, students will learn proper stroke technique for all 4 competitive strokes. Through drills and building aerobic exercise your swimming goals will be reached.
School Age Level 3 (6 years to 12 years)After Level 2, students will be independent. In level 3 students work on safety skills of treading water for 1 min, back floating for 1 min, front float for 30secs, and bobbing to safety. Students are introduced to rotating breathing, front crawl and elementary back stroke. They are also introduced to flutter, scissor, breastroke and butterfly kicks. At the end of Level 3 students will jump into water, recover, back float or tread for 1 min, find exit, swim front crawl or elementary backstroke to the exit. Then they will push off wall, swim front crawl for 15 yards, change position and swim elementary backstroke 15 yards.
School Age Level 2 (6 years to 12 years)Once your child has completed Level 1, they will work on mastering independence all while learning safety. Skills that will be worked on are front gliding, bobbing, floating on back and front for 20 secs, treading water for 15 secs, and learning how to use arms and legs together to swim forward. Students will also learn how to change direction while traveling. Rolling from front to back, stepping in and retrieving objects from chest deep water will also be worked on. To pass Level 2, swimmers must demonstrate: Stepping in from the side in chest deep water, then push off, move into treading or back floating position for 15 seconds swim on front or back 5 body lengths and exit. Then they must float for 15 seconds, roll to front, recover to vertical position push off and swim using combine arm/leg actions on front for 5 body lengths, roll to back, float for 15, roll to front then swim another 5 body lengths.
Preschool Level 2 (3 years to 5 years)Once your child has completed Level 1 they will work on mastering independence, with some assistance, all while learning safety. Skills that will be worked on are front gliding, bobbing, floating on back for 10 to 15 secs, introduction to treading water, and learning how to use arms and legs together to swim forward. Rolling from front to back, stepping in and retrieving objects from chest deep water will also be worked on. To pass Level 2, swimmers must show with minimum assistance: gliding 2 body lengths, roll to back, float 15 secs and recover with and without a glide. They must swim using combined arms and leg action on their front for 3 body lengths, roll to their back, float for 15 secs, roll to front and swim another 3 body lengths.
Adult Learn to SwimThrough a 6-week course, students will work towards being safe and confident in the water. Using a proven curriculum students will work up to eventually being able to jump/step in, tread or back float for a minute and swim 25 yards with their face in the water, passing the American Red Cross water competency test.
Parent Child (6 months to 35 months)In this course children and their caregivers start their child’s swim education. Children will learn with their parents, skills such as: front tow/glide, back float, rolling from front to back, and traveling along a wall. Children and caregivers will also learn how to safely enter and exit the water. Safety topics will be discussed at each lesson. All skills will be practiced through songs and activities.
School Age Level 1 (6 years to 12 years)In this course children will be working towards safely traveling 5 yards, submerging and blowing bubbles, front gliding and rolling on to their backs. Introduction to independence in front and back floating working, towards 3 to 5 seconds of floating on their own. They will also learn to step in and or jump in shoulder deep water. Age and skill appropriate activities will be incorporated throughout each lesson as well as safety topics will be taught.
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